Dec 12 202412:30 pm - 2:00 pm
How can we stand in solidarity with Palestinians seeking justice, while also avoiding antisemitism—and resist those who seek to conflate the two?
Authors Shane Burley and Ben Lorber will share personal stories, historical reflections, and interview data from their recent book to discuss how to combat antisemitism and build true safety for Jews and all people. The conversation will be moderated by Atalia Omer, professor of religion, conflict and peace studies.
Shane Burley is the author of Fascism Today: What It Is and How to End It (2017), the editor of No Pasaran! Antifascist Dispatches from a World in Crisis (2022) and co-author of Safety through Solidarity: A Radical Guide to Fighting Antisemitism (2024).
Lunch will be provided. Sponsored by the Contending Modernities research initiative and the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies.